Saturday, February 9, 2008

Guitar Hero 3

This is the best game ever!

First off, you get to play some classic songs like Paint it Black, Rock You Like a Hurricane, Slow Ride, and Hit Me With Your Best Shot. Also you get to play some brand new songs like The Number of the Beast, Through the Fire and Flames, When You Were Young, and 3's and 7's.

Unlike Guitar Hero II, you can rock out against your opponent with battles, using power ups to wear them down to bring you to glory! During Career Mode, there are three opponents you battle against. They are Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine), Slash (Guns 'n Roses) and Lou (Devil).

If you buy this game for the Xbox 360 or PS3 systems, you can find free downloads of the battles, bonus songs, and much more. Also if you have those systems and the Nintendo Wii, you can go online and challenge other "guitarists" around the globe.

There are many choices of characters that you can buy or choose from the ones pre-selected in the game. Some characters are Axel Steel, Judy Nails, Slash, Metalhead (PS2), Elroy Budvis (PS2), God of Rock (Xbox 360 and PS3), and The Grim Ripper (Xbox 360 and PS3).

In my opinion, this game is addicting, because I got this game at Christmas and I started on easy difficulty, and after two months, I have almost beaten career on expert difficulty. If you have any questions on the game, just post a comment, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I think this game gets a rating of a 10 out of 10!

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