Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Guitar Hero 2 (PS2 & XBOX 360)

I recently started playing this and I think it is almost better than Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock. There are a lot of songs from "small" bands such as Less Talk, More Rokk, Trogdor, and Jordan. There are also some big hits like Sweet Child o' Mine, Free Bird, and Rock This Town.
Unlike Guitar Hero 3, this game does not have guitar battles, but on the other hand, it does have you favorite character, the Grim Ripper!
I give Guitar Hero 2 a 9 out of 10!!!


Don Garcia said...

You've got a nice blog here buddy...

Please add me up in your blog roll
New Video Games Collection

PS3 Games Collection

Don't you worry,I will be adding you up blog in my blog roll.

Just leave a comment on my blog if it's in.

Thanks and have a good day.

Don Garcia said...

Ok, I got you on my blog too...

Travis said...
